Monica Mehra and Clay Armistead

Monica Mehra and Clay Armistead with their family10,000 Degrees Donors Since 2018

I’ve seen the inequity in education, especially in Marin. I felt there was a need for help and was inspired by the 10,000 Degrees students and staff to help close that gap.

I work at an investment company called Loomis Sayles and I knew I wanted to hire 10,000 Degrees students. I recommended a partnership between Loomis and 10,000 Degrees to hire interns every year—we now have our first 10,000 Degrees alumna full-time hire!

Through the 10,000 Degrees Academic Support program, I’ve also been tutoring women in advanced-level math. I love working with women who either love math or may not really like math, but I help them to see that they can do it—and help them to overcome these barriers.

As I’ve gotten to know the 10,000 Degrees students, both as an Academic Support tutor and as a manager of several interns at Loomis, I’ve seen how much 10,000 Degrees can do for students. Many didn’t even know there was a path to college. But 10,000 Degrees guides them on this path, and stays with them through their whole college journey.

Going to college is what helps you get to where you want to be in life, to support yourself and take care of your family. Education is the great equalizer.

—Monica Mehra
10,000 Degrees Board Member and Academic Support Volunteer
Securitized Products Portfolio Manager at Loomis, Sayles & Company